Monday, June 13, 2011

T-Shirt Design

 A teeshirt/sweater design just a slogan I decided to use, and make it kind of creative.


The image won't upload, but this is an illustration of a panda in a forest.


I had a little difficulty with this project. But this was an illustration of a diamond, and trying to use gradient to change up the colors in it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This a house designed through illustrator, and I used Charger colors for the house.

Siberian Tiger Crossword Puzzle

This is a crossword puzzle with facts about Siberian Tigers.

Infographic Poster

This Poster represents facts about video game used by the average player, and how it effects hardcore players.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


This is a pyramid that shows what I ate the past week, and comparing it with the actual food pyramid.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Poster Series

This is a series of posters that have scientific facts about sports.


This is one picture that was split into four with different filters in each square.

Pick Up

This was a picture of a Pick Up truck, and used the paint brush tool to change the colors

Black & White

I took pictures of four images, and changed then to black and white while leaving a certain part of the imagine its original color.